Thursday 9 August 2012

Card-lympics Day 14

Archery was today's event and there wasn't much to go with design wise. I didn't really want to do another silhouette card, which left the target but I felt that having a target in the middle of a plain card blank would be a little bit on the boring side. So after looking at images of the target, and getting an idea of the colours and layout, I decided to have the target filling the whole of the card front. I used coloured paper and my trusty pair of compasses to create the different zones, using pen to distinguish between the colours. I off-centred the bulls-eye and to finish off - as a bit of an after thought - trimmed the top of the card, removing any card that wasn't part of the target. I added the Union Jack to the top inside corner, letting it show through when the card is closed.

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